

Ethnic Roma people are seen in Craica slum in Romania's northern town of Baia Mare, 550 km (341 miles) northwest of Bucharest, June 18, 2012. Roma is a term for various groups who have migrated across Europe for centuries and are now the biggest ethnic minority in the European Union, most of them from countries like Romania, Bulgaria and the Czech Republic. There are an estimated 10 million across Europe and one in five lives in Romania. The vast majority live on the margins of society in abject poverty, which makes them easy targets in troubled times, and pro-democracy groups say post-communist governments in the region have not done enough to improve their plight. Picture taken June 18, 2012. To match Feature ROMANIA-ROMA/ REUTERS/Bogdan Cristel (ROMANIA - Tags: POLITICS SOCIETY IMMIGRATION REAL ESTATE BUSINESS)
Ethnic Roma people are seen in Craica slum in Romania’s northern town of Baia Mare, 550 km (341 miles) northwest of Bucharest, June 18, 2012. Roma is a term for various groups who have migrated across Europe for centuries and are now the biggest ethnic minority in the European Union, most of them from countries like Romania, Bulgaria and the Czech Republic. There are an estimated 10 million across Europe and one in five lives in Romania. The vast majority live on the margins of society in abject poverty, which makes them easy targets in troubled times, and pro-democracy groups say post-communist governments in the region have not done enough to improve their plight. Picture taken June 18, 2012. To match Feature ROMANIA-ROMA/ REUTERS/Bogdan Cristel (ROMANIA – Tags: POLITICS SOCIETY IMMIGRATION REAL ESTATE BUSINESS)

Politia locala, administratia municipiului BAIA MARE, Jandarmeria si serviciul de asistenta sociala au efectuat, joi, o razie in cartierul de locuinte improvizate pe malul paraului CRAICA, locuit de romi nomazi, scrie Agerpres.

”Am demarat o noua actiune acum cateva zile in zonele de saracie, respectiv de CONSTRUCTII NELEGALE, zone care nu sunt potrivite pentru locuire, nu au conditii pentru locuire si unde nu acceptam sa fie in primul rand copii care sa nu aiba apa, curent electric, posibilitatea sa mearga la scoala in conditii de igiena sau sa-si duca viata in conditii de igiena. N-as dori ca vreun cetatean al municipiului Baia Mare SA STEA IN ASTFEL DE CONDITII (…), vreau sa stopez orice tendinta a unora care vin din alte parti ale tarii in municipiul Baia Mare, crezand ca oriunde se pot amplasa fara sa aiba niciun fel de limite. Exista niste LIMITE IMPUSE DE LEGE, exista niste limite impuse de conditiile decente de locuire, exista niste limite pe care trebuie sa le respectam cu privire la modul in care ingrijim atat copiii

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